Tuesday 24th March – LOCKDOWN!
Good evening everyone – How was your first day of ‘lockdown’?
Amber and I have been following up messages and dealing with some issues that our members have. Especially with an individual who was in rather a state and had no food. I would like to send a huge vote of thanks to everyone at Age UK Camden, who sorted out the problem. When I asked when they could deliver a package of groceries, I was amazed that they said ‘this afternoon’. I was half expecting them to say the weekend. I feel very humbled by this. We are facing a crisis that no one expected, but if we can work together we will get through this – wonderful work those guys are doing!!!!
What can I share tonight? Jean has shared a ten minute chair workout for seniors
I have had a number of recipes for making your own bread! Here is a video link from Amin (get baking from Paul Hollywood)
From Sue – who recommends the Little Waitrose on High Holborn. Sue told me that there was plenty of food on the shelves, and she got a 9 pack loo roll!
From Phil -For anyone that’s bored with Netflix etc There’s a new streaming service coming on line today: disney+ Not just for kids, got some great movie choices on there also as well as a great documentary section. There is a 7 day free trial that was quick and easy to set up (you will need to put your card details in). Just remember to cancel at the end of the trial if you don’t want to pay the monthly £5.99
From Uswitch – Support from energy companies during the Coronavirus outbreak. The UK’s energy suppliers are offering extra support during the outbreak of COVID-19 – find out how your supplier can help you if you’re affected.
From Christine – who has shared a link for people wanting to mediate
The South Grove Free Presbyterian Church are providing online sermons
Thank you to Jean for her poem:
“The sun is shining, oh happy day
The birds are twittering, sounding bright and gay
The tourists are not around,
Does that mean they’ve gone to ground
The traffic is less, so something to bless
The sun is shining, oh very happy day
The Blue Tits are twittering
Chasing the blues away”
Thank you to Keeley for her routine: – I have been waking up at my normal time of 8am, without an alarm set may I add, clearly I have myself in some sort of routine. I am one of the lucky ones that I have been able to come to parents ‘ house in Norfolk last week and have made the decision to stay for the moment, this means typically I get the privilege of waking up to a nice cup of tea ☕.
After this I get up and follow a youtube video for a workout. At the moment I am enjoying Lucy Wyndham Reads videos, she has a mix of walking workouts, 7 day-10 minute workouts or just stretches. This has a great addition to my day considering in my normal day I would typically walk around 15,000 steps, I want to stay active whilst we are in Lockdown. Today I managed to get my mum to join in, even with her bad knees.
After this I have some breakfast, this depends on how I am feeling, I make my parents breakfast and coffee, typically toast or porridge and then it is time to start my day. The first thing I do is check my phone for messages, so being the youth manager (as you know John), I have lots of families and young people who I am in regular contact with. So I message or ring the young people, find out how they are getting on, if they need help with homework and how they are feeling. I love hearing back from families, receiving pictures of what they have been up to, letters, and videos, you can really feel this is an important time for everyone to come together and reach out to each other.
I have then created a number of different resources to send to parents, for fun activities that they can do together as well as websites that are useful to look at. Once my work day is finished, I enjoy listening to music and reading. I have just finished a book written by the late Mary Higgins Clark, a fabulous crime writer, and with music it depends how I am feeling, I like to listen to Jazz, rock or a good ballad to sing along to.
Thank you Keeley! Please share with me YOUR routine, it will help others!
Continuing with the creative streak – I have attached a photo of a Chinese Brush Painting from Peachy Chee, who did this today. Something beautiful from the lockdown! Also the instagram link for Christine’s wonderful photography:
That’s it from me. It has been a long and surreal day. I am going to make my dinner (nothing adventurous). Facetime my grandchildren, give a virtual kiss to my girlfriend and watch an episode on Netflix
Please let me know how you are.
Keep well