Category / activities / Events / Tech / Young People

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  • After School Club Tech

    Monday 5th October, Dragon Hall After School Club had the opportunity to try out some of the tech available at Dragon Hall. 3D printing, Minecraft, draw and race and Oculus rift were…

  • Summer Fair

    Friday the 10th July saw our Annual summer event. There was a really good turnout for the event with Juniors and inters supporting the event. There was a range of activities available…

  • 70th Anniversary of VE Day

    The 70th Anniversary of VE Day Tea Dance at Dragon Hall – great dancing and lots of Tea! See more pictures here

  • Tech sessions with John Soane Museum

    Week One. Dragon Hall is working with young people who attend the Sir John Soane Museum as part of a 3 Week ‘build your own monument’ project. The session began by having…

  • West End Women’s Institute meet Tech!

    WI technology discovery event One of our missions here at Dragon Hall is to bring the latest technology to everyone! We all need to see what is coming down the line to…

  • Shopping Day Collection!

    Those fantastic people at Seven Dials London raised money on their recent 20% off shopping day in Seven Dials to support our work here at Dragon Hall! The generosity of the shoppers…

  • Radio 1Xtra

    Radio 1Xtra is the BBC’s digital radio station specialising in urban music. Through our links with the BBC’s volunteering programme, Dragon Hall had the opportunity to visit the BBC 1Xtra studios with…

  • 2nd Coder Dojo

    Coder Dojo at Dragon Hall Tech Hub Second Covent Garden London CoderDojo on Saturday 17th January 2015, 2pm to 5pm at Dragon Hall Tech Hub The CoderDojo is an independent volunteer led…

  • CoderDojo

    We are launching Covent Garden London CoderDojo on October 11th 2014, 2pm to 5pm at Dragon Hall Tech Hub as part of Europe Code Week 2014 The CoderDojo is an independent volunteer…

  • Seven Dials Spotlight Event

    Saturday 16th August 2014 – a great day showing off our tech at the Spotlight Event in Seven Dials! The streets were closed off from traffic, the Seven Dials sun dial area…