Wednesday 9th September 2020
Good morning all,
We have lots going on at Dragon Hall for you to get involved with. As we slowly introduce socially distanced activities in real life, I wanted to remind you all that there are several zoom sessions available for you to try out as well.
In addition to the timetable below, we are working on getting our regular sessions back up and running as well. As you can imagine, there is a lot we must consider to ensure that we come together safely and responsibly. Thank you all for your patience with us.
And, thank you for all the support with my sculptures!
Topic: Flamenco with Sam (ZOOM)
Time: 1:00 PM London
Please contact John or Amber for Zoom details
COMING SOON ON MONDAYS (Starting Sept 21st):
Topic: Line Dancing with Emma (ZOOM)
Time: TBA
Please contact John for an enrolment form
Topic: Meditation with Marcos (ZOOM)
Time: 10:30 AM London
Please contact John or Amber for Zoom details
Topic: Yoga with Marcos
Time: 10:30 AM
Where: Phoenix Gardens
Please note numbers are limited due to social distancing guidelines, and spaces need to be booked beforehand.
Cost £2.00
Topic: Reading Paintings in the Royal Collection with Dawn (ZOOM)
Time: 2:00 PM London
Please contact John or Amber for Zoom details
Topic: French Conversation with Constantin (ZOOM)
Time: 7:00 PM
Sue has elected to share her experience with us over the last four months. She shares how she has spent her time and how she has coped with the lockdown…
I am embarrassed that my lockdown time was spent with so little accomplishment. I have read loads of books and bought more. So very glad when the bookstores reopened. Life without them would be empty indeed. Browsing in a bookstores is one of the delights of my life, next the galleries, museums, churches and coffee houses. Not in any particular order. Now, things look a bit more normal. My two faves are open and special exhibitions are planned. This is all post lockdown stuff. I mean, during the severe lockdown, I really did not do that much. I watched a lot on YouTube, emailed people, but my reading actually fell off a bit. I did explore Youtube and was in contact with Dragon Hall a lot. I appreciated the weekly phone calls, I also got support from Diane Fisher from the Marchmont Centre, via email. The St Giles Charity was quite supportive as well.
I was on the receiving end of lots of services, but I was really shut down for a lot of the time. I don’t find virtual experiences all that rewarding. Especially church services, although I did watch one church service weekly until the churches reopened for private prayer. I did take advantage of some pastoral counselling when I felt so detached that I grew concerned. After following his recommendations, I felt more alive. The Alms charity has been very supportive. It has been a long 4 months in one way, but on the other time seems to fly. Really odd. I did not have a good lockdown and am very glad that it is over for now.
Thank you so much for sharing Sue. It was great to hear your perspective. If you would like to share your experience over the last few months with us, please get in touch!
Camden Council:
Deliberative community conversations – promoting better connections between people who live and work in Camden Are you interested in taking part in a workshop to talk about your views on data sharing? The workshop would focus on health and social care data. There are options to join the workshop online or by phone. Camden is working with involve and The Alan Turing Institute on this project. They would like to arrange workshops to take place between September 21st and 2nd October or in late November.
Please get in touch if you are interested in this workshop.
From Uswitch:
Green Homes Grant guide for the vulnerable.
Uswitch has created a helpful guide for those wanting to take part in the Green Homes Grant scheme in late September. This will fund the cost of energy efficiency improvements to people’s homes and could help households save up to £600 a year on energy bills. Not only will this combat climate change and save people money, it could also save people’s lives.
For vulnerable homeowners on benefits, up to £10,000 of home improvements could be fully covered by the scheme.

That’s all for now – You can contact Amber at

……….or you can reach me either at or 07759 646507 in case of an emergency.